Author: A. American

A. American, a pseudonym for a writer who delves deep into the realms of survivalism and dystopia, has captivated readers with his 'The Survivalist Series'. His narratives, often set in post-apocalyptic settings, explore themes of resilience, self-reliance, and the human spirit's indefatigability when faced with the collapse of civilization.

Series by A. American

The following is a list of the series written by A. American with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Survivalist

In the heart of a shattered America, The Survivalist series follows Morgan Carter, who must navigate the collapse of civilization after a devastating EMP attack. With no power, no internet, and no easy fixes, Carter's journey is a harrowing tale of resilience, ingenuity, and the will to survive in a world gone dark.
1. Going Home2. Surviving Home3. Escaping Home4. Forsaking Home5. Resurrecting Home6. Enforcing Home7. Avenging Home8. Home Invasion9. Conflicted Home10. Home Coming11. Engineering Home12. Exploring Home