Author: A.L. Jackson

A.L. Jackson weaves tales of intense passion and startling emotion, masterfully blending the boundaries of love and heartache. Her characters are vividly real, making every heartbreak and triumph their own. Jackson's lyrical prose and profound narratives have made her a beloved voice in contemporary romance.

Series by A.L. Jackson

The following is a list of the series written by A.L. Jackson with the correct order of books in each series.

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Time River

Dive into the mesmerizing world of the 'Time River' series, where the currents of time flow in unexpected ways. Follow a cast of unforgettable characters as they navigate the tumultuous waters of history, love, and destiny. Their journey will take you through heart-wrenching twists and breathtaking moments where past and future intertwine. It's a tale that proves time is much more than a linear path—it's a river with the power to change lives forever.
1. Love Me Today2. Don't Forget Me Tomorrow3. Claim Me Forever4. Hold Me Until Morning