Author: Actus

Actus, an enigmatic figure in the literary world, weaves stories that transcend the mundane, inviting readers into realms rich with complex characters and intricate plots. Their work, a tapestry of the fantastical and the profound, challenges the boundaries of genre, making every page a journey into the unknown. Actus's narrative prowess has not only garnered a dedicated following but has also redefined the contours of contemporary fiction.

Series by Actus

The following is a list of the series written by Actus with the correct order of books in each series.

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My Best Friend is an Eldritch Horror

In 'My Best Friend is an Eldritch Horror,' an unsuspecting friendship takes a turn into the unfathomable, blending the everyday with the cosmic horrors from beyond our understanding. Follow the journey of two friends as they navigate the complexities of an ordinary life intertwined with secrets, power, and an eerie bond that challenges the essence of what it means to be human. It's a tale where the mundane meets the extraordinary in the most unexpected ways, leaving readers questioning where the line between reality and the unthinkable lies.
1. Blackmist2. Greenblood3. Duskbringer4. Voidwalker5. Dawnfall6. Realmbreaker