Author: Alex Aaronson

Series by Alex Aaronson

The following is a list of the series written by Alex Aaronson with the correct order of books in each series.

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Monroe Doctrine

In the 'Monroe Doctrine' series, a near-future world teeters on the brink of another global conflict, where alliances are tested, and new battlefronts emerge. Through the eyes of compelling characters, the series explores the intricate dance of modern warfare, cyber threats, and the geopolitical chess that shapes our world. It's a gripping saga that blends the thrill of military tactics with the nuanced understanding of international relations, setting the stage for an epic struggle for power.
1. Monroe Doctrine: Volume I2. Monroe Doctrine: Volume II3. Monroe Doctrine: Volume III4. Monroe Doctrine: Volume IV5. Monroe Doctrine: Volume V6. Monroe Doctrine: Volume VI7. Monroe Doctrine: Volume VII8. Monroe Doctrine: Volume VIII