Author: Allen Eskens

Allen Eskens masterfully weaves gripping narratives that delve deep into the complexities of the human psyche, making every page a discovery. With each book, he cements his place as a titan of the crime and mystery genres, captivating readers with his skillful storytelling and unforgettable characters.

Series by Allen Eskens

The following is a list of the series written by Allen Eskens with the correct order of books in each series.

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Max Rupert and Joe Talbert

In the heart of Minnesota, Max Rupert, a dedicated detective, and Joe Talbert, a driven journalist, find their paths intertwined in a series of gripping mysteries that challenge the boundaries of justice and morality. With each case more complex and personal than the last, both men are forced to confront their own demons amidst their quest for truth. Their stories unfold in a landscape where the lines between right and wrong blur, propelling them into a relentless search for answers in a world fraught with secrets and lies.
1. The Life We Bury2. The Guise of Another3. The Heavens May Fall4. The Deep Dark Descending5. The Shadows We Hide