Author: Amanda Milo

Amanda Milo is a weaving sorceress of words, transporting readers into realms where romance collides with science fiction and fantasy. With a flair for creating compelling characters and unconventional love stories, her works are a haven for those who crave adventures in distant worlds and star-crossed connections. Each novel she pens is a testament to her belief in the unfettered power of love, transcending the bounds of the cosmos.

Series by Amanda Milo

The following is a list of the series written by Amanda Milo with the correct order of books in each series.

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Stolen by an Alien

Dive into a galaxy of adventure and romance where Earth women are swept off their feet by the ultimate alien warriors. The 'Stolen by an Alien' series takes readers on a whirlwind journey of passion, rescue missions, and unexpected love that defies intergalactic boundaries. Each book is a standalone romance that promises a happily-ever-after for every earthling abducted into the stars.
1. Stolen by an Alien2. Rescued by an Alien3. Won by an Alien4. Craved by an Alien5. Blind Fall6. Beth's Stable