Author: Amber Smith

Amber Smith is a master of weaving emotionally gripping narratives that touch on pressing societal issues. With her acute insight into the human psyche, Smith's novels often explore the challenges of coming of age in a complex world. Her storytelling is both powerful and poignant, making her a standout voice in contemporary young adult fiction.

Series by Amber Smith

The following is a list of the series written by Amber Smith with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Way I Used to Be

The Way I Used to Be delves into the transformative journey of Eden McCrorey, following the chasm that sexual assault creates between her past and future self. Through poignant storytelling, the series encapsulates the silent struggle and the profound changes in Eden's relationships, identity, and perception of the world around her. It's a raw, emotional rollercoaster that delves deep into the aftermath of trauma, and the strenuous path towards healing and reclaiming one's life.
1. The Way I Used to Be2. The Way I Am Now