Author: Andrew Rowe

Andrew Rowe blends the intricate worlds of fantasy with the intense action of role-playing games, creating spellbinding tales where magic and adventure collide. Known for his Arcane Ascension and Spells and Sorceries series, Rowe's work is a treasure trove for those who dream of exploring mysterious towers and mastering arcane arts. His characters navigate complex moral landscapes, grow through challenges, and often find that the greatest battles are fought within.

Series by Andrew Rowe

The following is a list of the series written by Andrew Rowe with the correct order of books in each series.

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Arcane Ascension

In the world of Arcane Ascension, magic, monsters, and mystery collide as students navigate the perilous Serpent Spire—a tower teeming with arcane challenges and ancient puzzles. Our protagonist's quest for power and knowledge drives him into the heart of danger, where the only way up is through mastering magical disciplines and uncovering the spire's secrets. Friendships are forged, alliances tested, and the lines between hero and villain blur in the pursuit of ascension.
1. Sufficiently Advanced Magic2. On the Shoulders of Titans3. The Torch that Ignites the Stars4. The Silence of Unworthy Gods