Author: Andrew Watts

Andrew Watts, a mastermind of military and technological thrillers, captivates readers with intense narratives woven with precision and prowess. His background as a Naval officer injects authenticity and gripping realism into every page, making each novel not just a story, but an experience. Through a potent mix of action, strategy, and dynamic characters, Watts has established himself as a go-to author for those who seek adrenaline-fueled adventures within the pages of a book.

Series by Andrew Watts

The following is a list of the series written by Andrew Watts with the correct order of books in each series.

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The War Planners

In 'The War Planners' series, a shroud of secrecy veils a sinister plot to cripple the world's superpowers through masterful and unseen maneuvers. Deep within the shadows, a group of elite minds is gathered by the government, racing against time to unveil the threat and counteract a meticulously planned invasion before global dominance shifts into dangerous hands. Suspense intertwines with espionage as the boundaries between friend and foe blur, pushing technology and loyalty to the ultimate test.
1. The War Planners2. The War Stage3. Pawns of the Pacific4. The Elephant Game5. Overwhelming Force6. Global Strike

The Firewall Spies

In 'The Firewall Spies' series, readers are thrust into a high-stakes world of cyber espionage where a covert team of brilliant hackers battles global threats. The narrative expertly weaves together adrenaline-pumping action and cutting-edge technology, making the digital battlefield as compelling as any physical warzone. As alliances shift and secrets are uncovered, the line between right and wrong blurs, challenging the heroes' codes and loyalties. Through unexpected twists and turns, the series explores the dark web of international intrigue, where a single keystroke can change the fate of nations.
1. Firewall2. Agent of Influence3. A Future Spy4. Tournament of Shadows5. All Secrets Die