Author: Archer Jeffrey

Jeffrey Archer is a master storyteller whose novels twist and turn through the fates and fortunes of his characters with uncanny insight. With a career spanning decades, Archer's writing is known for its gripping narratives, clever plot twists, and deep characterization. From the grit of prison life to the glitz of high society, his books traverse a wide range of settings, each underpinned by his unmistakable wit and keen observation.

Series by Archer Jeffrey

The following is a list of the series written by Archer Jeffrey with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Clifton Chronicles

The Clifton Chronicles is an epic saga that tells the story of Harry Clifton, from his humble beginnings in Bristol through the highs and lows of his eventful life. Spanning over a century, the series weaves through the destinies of the Clifton and Barrington families, with personal and professional battles, ambitions, loves, and betrayals, set against the backdrop of the major historical events of the 20th century. It's a tale of fate, fortune, and the irrevocable consequences of human actions, capturing the essence of time and the endurance of family legacy.
1. Only Time Will Tell2. The Sins of the Father3. Best Kept Secret4. Be Careful What You Wish For5. Mightier Than the Sword6. Cometh The Hour7. This Was a Man