Author: Auburn Tempest

Auburn Tempest, a whirlwind of creativity and formidable storytelling, sweeps readers into realms where the mystical and the mundane intertwine seamlessly. With a pen that dances on the edges of fantasy and reality, Tempest crafts tales that not only captivate but also provoke thought, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who wander through her pages.

Series by Auburn Tempest

The following is a list of the series written by Auburn Tempest with the correct order of books in each series.

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Chronicles of an Urban Elemental

Dive into the mystical underbelly of a modern city with the 'Chronicles of an Urban Elemental.' Follow the journey of a powerful elemental who navigates the precarious balance between the supernatural world and the mundane. Amidst ancient magic, hidden realms, and unseen dangers, discover an urban fantasy saga where every shadow holds a secret and every gust of wind whispers of ancient lore.
1. Incendio: Flame Born2. Magicae: Power Dawning3. Potentia: Bonds Forged4. Fidelitas: Trust Realized5. Intellectus: Origins Discovered6. Regeneratus: Races Rekindled