Author: Auston King

Auston King weaves tales that straddle the delicate divide between the darkest depths of the human psyche and the luminous possibilities of redemption. His storytelling, rich with complex characters and intricate plots, has captured the imagination of readers worldwide. King's narratives, often set in evocatively rendered landscapes, explore the essence of conflict and the potential for personal transformation. With each novel, he invites readers on a journey that's as unpredictable as it is unforgettable.

Series by Auston King

The following is a list of the series written by Auston King with the correct order of books in each series.

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Jason Drake

Embark on a gripping adventure with Jason Drake, a series where espionage, technology, and action blend seamlessly. Dive into a world where every choice could be the difference between global security and catastrophic failure. Jason Drake is an operative like no other, navigating a labyrinth of international intrigue with wit and prowess. Discover a narrative so engaging, it blurs the lines between fiction and reality, compelling you to question: how much of this could truly happen?
1. The Assassin's Betrayal2. The Assassin's Game3. The Assassin's Vengeance4. The Assassin's Ultimatum5. The Assassin's Target6. The Assassin's Contract7. The Assassin's List8. The Assassin's Daughter