Author: Baoshu

Baoshu, a pseudonym for Li Jun, is a rising star in the Chinese science fiction panorama, captivating readers with his imaginative landscapes and thought-provoking narratives. Best known for 'The Redemption of Time,' a sequel to Liu Cixin's 'The Three-Body Problem,' Baoshu intricately weaves philosophy and science fiction, pushing the boundaries of the genre. His award-winning stories explore the vastness of time, the complexity of human emotions, and the mysteries of the universe, making him a unique voice in speculative fiction.

Series by Baoshu

The following is a list of the series written by Baoshu with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Three-Body Problem

In the shadow of China's Cultural Revolution, a secret military project sends signals into space to establish contact with aliens. The Three-Body Problem series unfolds as humanity gets an answer from the Trisolarans, initiating an interstellar chess game of strategy, espionage, and survival across millennia. Mixing hard science fiction with profound philosophical questions, this story challenges the very essence of human nature and our place in the cosmos.
1. The Three-Body Problem2. The Dark Forest3. Death's End4. The Redemption of Time