Author: Becky Chambers

Becky Chambers is a maestro of modern science fiction, weaving tales of humanity, empathy, and the vast expanse of the cosmos with unparalleled grace. Her stories are a blend of heart-warming character development and philosophical musings, set against the backdrop of richly imagined futures. Chambers invites readers to explore the possibilities of space and our place within it, making us feel at home among the stars.

Series by Becky Chambers

The following is a list of the series written by Becky Chambers with the correct order of books in each series.

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Embark on an unforgettable journey through the cosmos with the Wayfarers series, where the vastness of space is matched only by the diversity of life it holds. Through the eyes of its richly drawn characters, explore distant galaxies, navigate the complexities of alien cultures, and discover what it means to find one's place in the universe. It's a heartwarming exploration of space that invites readers to ponder the possibilities of coexistence and compassion across the stars.
1. The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet2. A Closed and Common Orbit3. Record of a Spaceborn Few4. The Galaxy, and the Ground Within

Monk & Robot

In the serene and hopeful landscapes of the future, 'Monk & Robot' series follows the poignant journey of a wandering monk and a curious robot exploring the meaning of life, purpose, and companionship. This heartwarming tale blends the serenity of nature with the complexities of technological advancements, creating a contemplative narrative on existence and connection.
1. A Psalm for the Wild-Built2. A Prayer for the Crown-Shy