Author: Ben S. Dobson

Ben S. Dobson crafts a world of enchantment, delving deep into the realms where magic reigns supreme and adventure knows no bounds. With a keen eye for character development and a mastery over weaving complex narratives, Dobson invites his readers on unforgettable journeys. His novels are a masterclass in fantasy, blending the traditional with the innovative to create stories that resonate long after the last page is turned.

Series by Ben S. Dobson

The following is a list of the series written by Ben S. Dobson with the correct order of books in each series.

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In the thrilling Magebreakers series, magic and mystery collide when a duo consisting of a non-magical detective and a gifted mage team up to solve crimes involving magical foul play. Through a landscape filled with intrigue, enchantments, and unseen dangers, they confront both the supernatural and the all-too-human threats. Each book is a blend of detective noir and fantasy adventure, promising wit, suspense, and unexpected twists.
1. The Flaw in All Magic2. The Emperor's Mask3. The Dragon Machine4. The Spirit Siphon5. The Mage War