Author: C.N. Crawford

C.N. Crawford weaves tales of fantasy that intertwine the dark with the seductive, creating worlds where magic is blood-deep and romance defies reality. This dynamic duo specializes in urban fantasy and paranormal romance, drawing readers into the shadowy borders where humans and monsters bargain with their hearts and lives. Their stories are a dance of darkness and light, promising adventure, mystery, and love that defies all odds.

Series by C.N. Crawford

The following is a list of the series written by C.N. Crawford with the correct order of books in each series.

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Frost and Nectar

In the heart of a hidden, magic-riddled world, the series 'Frost and Nectar' weaves a tale of forbidden love, ancient rivalries, and arcane secrets. It follows the journey of protagonists from opposing factions, destined to be enemies yet bound by a connection that defies the laws of nature and magic. Their quest for harmony not only threatens to unravel the fabric of their societies but also unveils mysteries long buried. Danger, passion, and betrayal collide in this enthralling saga, where every choice could be the difference between peace and chaos.
1. Frost2. Ambrosia