Author: C.R. Chandler

C.R. Chandler weaves intricate tales that blur the lines between reality and fantasy, captivating readers with his unique blend of magical realism and riveting psychological depth. His storytelling is a masterful journey through uncharted territories of the human psyche, making each page a discovery of its own.

Series by C.R. Chandler

The following is a list of the series written by C.R. Chandler with the correct order of books in each series.

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Special Agent Ricki James

In the heart-pounding series of Special Agent Ricki James, readers are catapulted into a world of suspense, mystery, and espionage. Follow Ricki James, a determined and skilled FBI agent, as she navigates through dangerous missions, intricate investigations, and a web of lies that could threaten national security. With each book, the stakes get higher, and the secrets deeper, offering a thrilling blend of action, intrigue, and drama. Ricki must rely on her instincts, intelligence, and the fragile alliances she forms, to unravel the truths hidden in the shadows of the government.
1. One Final Breath2. One Last Scream3. One Life Gone4. Waiting in the Dark5. Running in the Night6. Hiding In The Shadows7. Colder Than Ice8. Dead Of Winter9. The Blind Spot10. No Place To Hide11. When Night Falls12. Chasing Lies