Author: C.R. Gray

C.R. Gray is a master of weaving suspense and mystery into worlds that captivate and surprise. With a flair for the dramatic and an unerring ability to create unforgettable characters, Gray's novels are a journey into the unknown. Readers find themselves on the edge of their seats, eagerly turning pages to uncover secrets hidden within the shadows.

Series by C.R. Gray

The following is a list of the series written by C.R. Gray with the correct order of books in each series.

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Maddie Castle

In the heart of a world where magic and reality blur, Maddie Castle series invites readers on an unparalleled adventure. With each book, Maddie, a fiercely determined protagonist, uncovers mysteries wrapped in enchantments, battling formidable foes and uncovering ancient secrets. Her journey is not just about the quest but also about discovering her own strength and the power of friendship. Every corner turned and every shadow faced leads to growth, heartache, and occasionally, laughter.
1. The Handler2. Tracking Justice3. Hunting Grounds4. Vanished Trails5. Smoldering Lies