Author: Carrie Ryan

Carrie Ryan, acclaimed for her hauntingly rich narratives, dives deep into the realms of fantasy and dark post-apocalyptic futures. Her storytelling, marked by captivating characters and heart-pounding suspense, explores themes of survival, humanity, and love in a world gone awry. Best known for 'The Forest of Hands and Teeth' series, Ryan has become a beacon for readers thirsting for gripping, eerie adventures.

Series by Carrie Ryan

The following is a list of the series written by Carrie Ryan with the correct order of books in each series.

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Stillhouse Lake

In 'Stillhouse Lake,' Gwen Proctor emerges as the resilient protagonist, forever changed after discovering her husband's horrifying secrets. Fleeing to remote Stillhouse Lake with her children, Gwen is determined to rebuild her life and protect her family. But with a twisted killer replicating her husband's crimes and casting suspicion her way, Gwen must confront her past and the dangers that lurk in seemingly safe waters. A thrilling tale of suspense, survival, and the fierce will to start anew.
1. Stillhouse Lake2. Killman Creek3. Wolfhunter River4. Bitter Falls5. Heartbreak Bay6. Trapper Road