Author: Chris Kennedy

Chris Kennedy is a powerhouse in the world of military science fiction and fantasy, known for his dynamic storytelling and intricate world-building. A former naval aviator and elementary school principal, Kennedy weaves his diverse experiences into his narratives, creating thrilling adventures that transport readers to galaxies far, far away. His prolific output and engaging tales have endeared him to fans of space operas and military strategies alike.

Series by Chris Kennedy

The following is a list of the series written by Chris Kennedy with the correct order of books in each series.

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Out of the Dark

In 'Out of the Dark', Earth faces its greatest challenge yet when an alien empire sees humanity as a threat to be eradicated. As nations crumble under the alien onslaught, hope emerges from the most unlikely of places, igniting a guerrilla resistance. This gripping series blends military strategy, global survival, and unexpected allies, showcasing the resilience of the human spirit.
1. Out of the Dark2. Into the Light3. To Challenge Heaven