Author: Craig A. Falconer

Craig A. Falconer takes readers on a thrill ride through speculative futures, blending thought-provoking science fiction with nail-biting suspense. His storytelling, often centered around the impact of technology on society, invites readers to question their own reality. Falconer's ability to weave complex narratives with relatable characters has cemented his status as a must-read author in the sci-fi genre.

Series by Craig A. Falconer

The following is a list of the series written by Craig A. Falconer with the correct order of books in each series.

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In 'Earthburst,' humanity stands on the brink of the unknown when a cataclysmic event reshapes the face of the planet. With civilization in tatters, survivors must navigate a world where danger lurks in every shadow, and the struggle for resources pushes humanity to the edge of its morality. Trust becomes a currency more valuable than gold, and the remnants of human society are forced to confront the very essence of what it means to endure. Craig A. Falconer masterfully weaves a tale of survival, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit faced with the unimaginable.
1. Last Man Standing2. Into The Fire3. Operation Starshot4. The Anomaly5. Reason To Fear6. The Last Horizon7. Echoes Of Destiny8. The Reckoning9. All Or Nothing10. Beyond The Limit