Author: Daniel Schinhofen

Daniel Schinhofen is a master of blending reality with fantasy, offering readers a gateway to alternate worlds where the mundane meets the extraordinary. His stories are rich tapestries of adventure, romance, and magic, often exploring the depths of virtual reality and the limitless potential of human imagination. A pioneer in the LitRPG and fantasy genres, Schinhofen crafts narratives that are as engaging as they are imaginative, making him a favorite among readers who crave immersive escapades.

Series by Daniel Schinhofen

The following is a list of the series written by Daniel Schinhofen with the correct order of books in each series.

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Luck's Voice

In 'Luck's Voice', a world where magic and modernity clash, one man finds his fate intertwined with a mystical artifact that grants him unprecedented power. Navigating through political intrigue, ancient prophecies, and battles that test the limits of his abilities, he must find his own path and the courage to wield his power for the greater good. Yet, with great power comes great danger, and enemies lurk in every shadow, drawn to the voice of luck that whispers only to him.
1. Suited for Luck2. Cashing In3. Breaking the Bank4. Dangerous Gamble5. Luck's Holdings6. Emerita Boxing Day7. Rail-Laid Plans