Author: Dannika Dark

Dannika Dark is a master of weaving captivating tales that dance on the edge of shadow and light, specializing in the paranormal and fantasy genres. Her narrative prowess pulls readers into realms where romance intertwines with suspense, and where the supernatural becomes as real as the mundane. With series like The Seven Series and The Crossbreed Series, Dark's work explores the depths of loyalty, love, and the fight for survival.

Series by Dannika Dark

The following is a list of the series written by Dannika Dark with the correct order of books in each series.

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In the shadowy world where the supernatural coexists with the mundane, the Crossbreed series introduces us to a group of unique individuals who navigate both danger and the complexities of their diverse heritage. Riveting and filled with unexpected alliances, it's a tale of strength, love, and the unyielding quest for justice. Follow their journey as they grapple with identity, loyalty, and the pursuit of power in a society that fears them.
1. Keystone2. Ravenheart3. Deathtrap4. Gaslight5. Blackout6. Nevermore7. Moonstruck8. Spellbound9. Heartless10. Afterlife11. Quicksilver12. Evildoer13. Forevermore


In the shadows of a mundane life, a twist of fate drags Zoe into the mysterious world of immortals, magic, and dark dangers. As she navigates her new reality, becoming Silver, she is thrust into the center of an age-old struggle for power, entangled in a web of secrets, love, and betrayals. The Mageri series is a riveting journey of self-discovery, courage, and finding the light in the darkest of worlds.
1. Sterling2. Twist3. Impulse4. Gravity5. Shine6. The Gift