Author: Dave Stevenson

Dave Stevenson, a master of weaving breathtaking landscapes with heart-pounding adventure, captures the essence of exploration in his narratives. His work, often characterized by its rich storytelling and intricate characters, invites readers into realms where the impossible becomes possible. Stevenson's novels are a treasure trove for those yearning for escapades beyond the ordinary, blending the thrilling with the profound.

Series by Dave Stevenson

The following is a list of the series written by Dave Stevenson with the correct order of books in each series.

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Warriors: The Original

In the heart of the forest, four clans of warrior cats share a fragile peace, bound by honor and the laws of the stars. But when shadows fall, and treachery lurks just beneath the surface, it's not just loyalty that will be tested - it's survival. Follow Firepaw, a domestic cat with a wild heart, as he navigates the complex world of Clan life, where every decision can lead to either peace or war. This gripping saga of bravery, sacrifice, and the spirit of the wild will claw at your heart and leave you howling for more.
1. Into the Wild2. Fire and Ice3. Forest of Secrets4. Rising Storm5. A Dangerous Path6. The Darkest Hour

Warriors: The New Prophecy

In 'Warriors: The New Prophecy,' a thrilling saga unfolds as four clans of wild cats venture into the unknown, guided by starry prophecies. The forest is teeming with secrets and unseen dangers, challenging their survival and testing their courage. New heroes emerge, and ancient alliances are tested, in their quest to find a new home. It's a tale of adventure, loyalty, and the relentless fight for survival, where only the strongest will thrive.
1. Midnight2. Moonrise3. Dawn4. Starlight5. Twilight6. Sunset