Author: David Bruns

David Bruns is a master of military science fiction and techno-thrillers, weaving complex narratives that explore the future of warfare and the human condition. A former Navy officer, Bruns brings authenticity and gripping realism to his tales, inviting readers into meticulously crafted worlds where technology and strategy collide. His stories are not just about battles and technology, but the moral and ethical dilemmas facing those who defend their nations.

Series by David Bruns

The following is a list of the series written by David Bruns with the correct order of books in each series.

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Command and Control

In the high-stakes world of global espionage and domestic intrigue, the 'Command and Control' series by David Bruns takes readers on a thrilling ride through the intricate web of modern warfare and cyber security. From the shadowy lanes of international politics to the front lines of digital battlefields, this series explores the complex nature of authority, technology, and the moral dilemmas of those who hold the power to protect or destroy.
1. Command and Control2. Counter Strike3. Order of Battle4. Threat Axis5. Covert Action6. Proxy War