Author: Debra Webb

Debra Webb, a master of suspense and heart-stopping thrillers, crafts tales that delve deep into the psyche of both her characters and readers. With a keen understanding of the darkest emotions and an uncanny ability to weave complex plots, Webb keeps fans on the edge of their seats. Her work is not just read; it's experienced.

Series by Debra Webb

The following is a list of the series written by Debra Webb with the correct order of books in each series.

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Devlin & Falco

In the heart of crime's shadow, detectives Kerri Devlin and Falco tread the thin line between law and justice. Combining relentless determination and sharp wits, they confront the darkest depths of the criminal underworld in Philadelphia. Through harrowing twists and shocking betrayals, Devlin & Falco series is a riveting journey of suspense, action, and the unbreakable bond formed in the face of adversity.
1. Trust No One2. Gone Too Far3. Can't Go Back