Author: Digital Hearts

Digital Hearts is a pseudonymous enigma sweeping through the realms of cyberpunk and speculative fiction. With a pen that dances on the thin line between the digital future and the complexities of the human heart, this author crafts stories that are both visionary and deeply personal. Their work often explores themes of technology, identity, and the uncharted territories of online existence.

Series by Digital Hearts

The following is a list of the series written by Digital Hearts with the correct order of books in each series.

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Final Fantasy VII

Immerse yourself in the epic saga of Final Fantasy VII, a groundbreaking journey that melds high fantasy with cyberpunk futurism. Follow Cloud Strife and his eclectic team of rebels as they battle against the monopolistic megacorporation Shinra, and unearth deeper mysteries and personal tales. Amidst a world teetering on the brink of destruction, woven with magic, technology, and ancient legacies, every choice and battle could turn the tide of fate.
1. Material Ultimania Plus2. Trace Of Two Pasts