Author: Dot Hutchison

Dot Hutchison weaves tales that intertwine the beauty of literature with the darkness of suspense. Best known for her captivating series 'The Collector Trilogy', Hutchison explores the depths of human psyche and the resilience of the human spirit. Her narratives are lush, intricate, and often explore the delicate balance between the monstrous and the humane, making her a unique voice in the thriller genre.

Series by Dot Hutchison

The following is a list of the series written by Dot Hutchison with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Collector

In 'The Collector' series, a chilling and suspenseful journey unfolds as FBI agents delve into the minds of the most twisted perpetrators. Through the grim corridors of a garden where captives are kept like butterflies in glass, to the dark web of criminals trading in the most heinous of human depravities, each book is a complex maze of horrors and the relentless pursuit of justice. This series grips the reader, exploring the depths of both human depravity and the resilience of the human spirit.
1. The Butterfly Garden2. The Roses of May3. The Summer Children4. The Vanishing Season