Author: Douglas Preston

Douglas Preston, a master of blending science with dark, thrilling narratives, takes readers on incredible journeys that challenge the boundaries of reality and fiction. His collaborative works with Lincoln Child, featuring the enigmatic FBI Agent Pendergast, have cemented his reputation as a cornerstone of the techno-thriller and mystery genres.

Series by Douglas Preston

The following is a list of the series written by Douglas Preston with the correct order of books in each series.

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Agent Pendergast

Dive into the shadowy and pulse-pounding world of Agent Pendergast, an enigmatic FBI special agent who operates outside the bounds of conventional law enforcement to solve cases that defy logical explanation. From ancient mysteries buried beneath the streets of New York City to chilling conspiracies, Pendergast's brilliant mind and unorthodox methods take readers on exhilarating adventures where the line between the natural and supernatural blurs.
1. Relic2. Reliquary3. Cabinet Of Curiosities4. Still Life with Crows5. Brimstone6. Dance of Death7. The Book of the Dead8. The Wheel of Darkness9. Cemetery Dance10. Fever Dream11. Cold Vengeance12. Two Graves13. White Fire14. Blue Labyrinth15. The Crimson Shore16. The Obsidian Chamber17. City of Endless Night18. Verses for the Dead19. Crooked River20. Bloodless21. The Cabinet of Dr. Leng22. Angel of Vengeance