Author: Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline takes readers on a high-octane ride through his nostalgia-fueled universes, blending pop culture, science fiction, and adventure in a way that's uniquely his own. Best known for his breakout novel 'Ready Player One,' Cline's work captivates with its imaginative depth and relatable references, making the future feel like a trip down memory lane.

Series by Ernest Cline

The following is a list of the series written by Ernest Cline with the correct order of books in each series.

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Ready Player One

In the not-so-distant future, the world finds solace and escape inside OASIS, a vast virtual reality universe. When the game's billionaire creator dies, he offers players his fortune as the prize in an Easter egg hunt within The Oasis. Wade Watts finds the first clue and starts a race for the ultimate prize, where reality and virtual worlds collide in a dazzling mix of pop-culture nostalgia and futuristic technology.
1. Ready Player One2. Ready Player Two