Author: Evan Currie

Evan Currie sails the vast oceans of the cosmos, inviting readers on adventures that oscillate between the technologically marvelous and the profoundly human. With a keen eye for military detail and a boundless imagination for interstellar warfare, Currie's novels are a thrilling blend of science fiction and action. From the Odyssey One series to the tales of the Hayden War Cycle, he crafts stories where humanity's ingenuity and spirit are tested by the unforgiving expanse of space.

Series by Evan Currie

The following is a list of the series written by Evan Currie with the correct order of books in each series.

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Before the Odyssey

Before the Odyssey plunges readers into an era shrouded in myth and legend, offering a gripping prelude to the storied epic of Odysseus. This series weaves a fascinating tapestry of courage, betrayal, and the unyielding will to survive. Through the eyes of lesser-known characters, it explores the untold stories that set the stage for the classic tale, inviting readers on a journey where every whisper of the gods and clash of steel writes the preface to the Odyssey.
1. Holy Ground2. Infamy: History does not repeat. It iterates