Author: Franklin Horton

Franklin Horton masters the art of post-apocalyptic storytelling, weaving tales of survival, resilience, and the human spirit's unyielding fight against the odds. His narratives often explore the depth of human resourcefulness in the face of societal collapse, making him a standout voice in the genre.

Series by Franklin Horton

The following is a list of the series written by Franklin Horton with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Borrowed World

In 'The Borrowed World' series, society crumbles under the weight of a devastating terror attack, leaving supplies limited and every survivor for themselves. Jim Powell and his co-workers are hundreds of miles from home, fighting through the chaos to return to their families. Amidst the ruins, Jim's prepper lifestyle becomes invaluable, highlighting the thin veneer of civilization and what it takes to survive when the world as we know it ends.
1. The Borrowed World2. Ashes Of The Unspeakable3. Legion of Despair4. No Time For Mourning5. Valley of Vengeance6. Switched On7. The Ungovernable8. Blood And Banjos9. Resurgent10. The Reset Roadhouse11. The Endarkened

Mad Mick

In the heart of a fractured society, the Mad Mick series thrusts readers into a relentless journey of survival, comradeship, and the unyielding spirit of overcoming a world plunged into chaos. Following Conrad McCarthy, known as the Mad Mick, and his eclectic group of allies, the series weaves a tale of post-apocalyptic resilience where community and tactical savvy are their only hope against the threats of a new dark age.
1. The Mad Mick2. Masters of Mayhem3. Brutal Business4. Northern Sun5. Punching Tickets6. Ultraviolent7. The Death Dealer's Manual8. American Oligarch9. Shift Point10. Dislocated