Author: Harley Laroux

Harley Laroux, the siren of dark romance, weaves tales that entangle the macabre with the intensely erotic. Her stories, rich with twisted desires and dangerous liaisons, pull readers into the shadows of love's most daring edges. Laroux's fearless exploration of the dark side of passion has earned her a devoted following, making her a standout voice in the realm of dark romance.

Series by Harley Laroux

The following is a list of the series written by Harley Laroux with the correct order of books in each series.

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In the gripping Souls series, emotion and destiny collide in a world where the supernatural is woven into the fabric of reality. Characters navigate a path fraught with danger, passion, and the quest for identity, where every soul has a story, and every choice has a consequence. This thrilling journey beckons readers into a realm where the struggle for power and the search for self are as timeless as they are inevitable.
1. Her Soul to Take2. Her Soul for Revenge3. Soul of a Witch