Author: Harper L. Woods

Harper L. Woods, a beacon of contemporary fiction, weaves tales that capture the complexities of the human spirit. With a deft hand, Woods crafts stories that are at once deeply personal and universally relatable, exploring themes of love, loss, and redemption. Her narrative prowess and emotional depth have made her a favorite among readers seeking stories that resonate long after the last page is turned.

Series by Harper L. Woods

The following is a list of the series written by Harper L. Woods with the correct order of books in each series.

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Of Flesh & Bone

In the dark and riveting series 'Of Flesh & Bone,' secrets and supernatural forces collide in a small town, where nothing is as it seems. With a gripping narrative that weaves together elements of mystery, romance, and horror, each page turn reveals deeper layers to its complex characters and the ancient, lurking evils surrounding them. This series will pull you into a world where love battles darkness, and the price of survival could be more than any of them are willing to pay.
1. What Lies Beyond the Veil2. What Hunts Inside the Shadows3. What Lurks Between the Fates4. What Sleeps Within the Cove