Author: Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey is a visionary of dystopian and science fiction, best known for his self-published sensation, 'Wool', which paints a vivid picture of a post-apocalyptic world. With an ability to churn out gripping narratives and deep, relatable characters, Howey has cemented his place among modern sci-fi greats. His work often explores themes of survival, society, and the human condition, making his stories not just thrilling adventures, but also thought-provoking reflections on our future.

Series by Hugh Howey

The following is a list of the series written by Hugh Howey with the correct order of books in each series.

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In the depths of a post-apocalyptic Earth, humanity clings to survival in the Silo, a subterranean city extending one hundred forty-four stories beneath the surface. Secrets, lies, and the heavy shroud of authoritarian rule control the dwindling population, all under the guise of protecting them. Yet, whispers of the outside world and the curious nature of some inhabitants spark dangerous paths of rebellion and truth-seeking, leading to consequences unimaginable. The Silo series unfolds a gripping tale of survival, the dire cost of truth, and the indomitable human spirit to seek freedom, regardless of the peril ahead.
1. Wool2. Shift3. Dust