Author: J K Franks

J.K. Franks is a master of apocalyptic fiction, weaving tales of survival, technology, and humanity at the brink of extinction. His stories captivate with intricate plots, dynamic characters, and a keen insight into the potential futures of human civilization. Franks' work is a thrilling blend of science fiction and speculative fiction, making him a standout author for fans of high-stakes, thought-provoking narratives.

Series by J K Franks

The following is a list of the series written by J K Franks with the correct order of books in each series.

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In the heart of a technological revolution, the Catalyst series plunges readers into a world where a single event has the power to reshape society as we know it. It's a gripping tale of survival, innovation, and the enduring human spirit, vividly painting the struggles of a cast of characters as they navigate through the chaos of a world on the brink. With an intricate plot and a pulse-pounding narrative, this series explores the depths of human resilience in the face of unimaginable challenges.
1. Downward Cycle2. Kingdoms of Sorrow3. American Exodus4. Ghost Country