Author: J.R. Mathews

J.R. Mathews weaves tales that straddle the fine line between the darkest fantasies and the illuminating truths of human nature. Their storytelling prowess brings to life complex characters, set against the backdrop of richly detailed worlds. Mathews is a maestro of the narrative, bending genres to create stories that linger in the mind long after the last page is turned.

Series by J.R. Mathews

The following is a list of the series written by J.R. Mathews with the correct order of books in each series.

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Portal to Nova Roma

In 'Portal to Nova Roma,' embark on a gripping journey through time and reality where modern-day adventurers find themselves in the ancient world of Nova Roma. Caught in a dazzling empire where magic and technology intertwine, the heroes must navigate political intrigue, ancient prophecies, and their own destinies in a quest to find their way home.
1. Portal to Nova Roma2. Portal to Nova Roma: Venice3. Portal to Nova Roma: The Rhine

Jake's Magical Market

Dive into the enchanting world of Jake's Magical Market, where every shelf hides a story and every purchase comes with a hint of mystery. Follow Jake, a seemingly ordinary shopkeeper, who holds the keys to a multitude of worlds within his humble store. With each item sold, a new adventure begins, leading readers through realms of magic, danger, and endless possibility. This series masterfully blends the mundane with the miraculous, inviting you to discover the magic hidden in plain sight.
1. Jake's Magical Market2. A Trek Through Time3. Home Sweet Home