Author: Jack Slater

Jack Slater, a master of weaving suspense with a twist of Sci-Fi, takes readers on journeys that stretch the boundaries of imagination. His writing is marked by thrilling narratives, complex characters, and unforeseen plot twists that keep you on the edge of your seat. Slater's books often delve into the realms of speculative fiction, blending the familiar with the fantastic in new and exciting ways. Each novel is an adventure, promising to transport readers to worlds both eerily familiar and startlingly alien.

Series by Jack Slater

The following is a list of the series written by Jack Slater with the correct order of books in each series.

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Jason Trapp Thriller

In the heart-pounding Jason Trapp Thriller series, a relentless hero embarks on a series of high-stakes missions, navigating twists and turns that keep him, and the reader, on the edge of their seats. With a blend of cunning, skill, and brute strength, Jason Trapp confronts the shadows of the criminal underworld, where trust is scarce, and a moment's hesitation can be deadly.
1. Dark State2. False Flag3. Flash Point4. Depth Charge5. The Apparatus6. Black Eagle7. Valley of Death8. Hand of God9. Dust Storm