Author: Jada Fisher

Jada Fisher brings the world of fantasy alive with her vivid storytelling and compelling characters. Known for her unique blend of magic, adventure, and dragons, Fisher's novels are a feast for fans of epic fantasy. Her ability to weave intricate plots with heartfelt character growth makes her a standout in the genre. Readers are consistently captivated by the depth of her imagined worlds.

Series by Jada Fisher

The following is a list of the series written by Jada Fisher with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Dragon Guard

In 'The Dragon Guard' series, embark on an epic journey with an unlikely hero at the helm - a young woman destined to be a dragon rider and the guardian of a world teetering on the edge of chaos. Battling ancient evils, forging new alliances, and discovering her inner strength, she stands as humanity's last hope against the darkness. This thrilling saga blends magic, dragons, and a quest for power in a world filled with mysteries and danger at every turn.
1. Trial by Fire2. Maiden of the Lux3. Darkness in the Light4. Plague of Darkness5. Monsters in the Dark6. Secrets in the Dark7. Trapped in the Dark8. Battle in the Dark9. Light for the Darkness