Author: Jakob Tanner

Jakob Tanner is a masterful storyteller, weaving intricate tales that navigate the delicate threads of history with insight and flair. His works dive deep into the complexities of societal transformations, unravelling the rich tapestry of human experiences through time. Tanner's narratives are not just stories; they are windows into the soul of the past, inviting readers to step into worlds where history and imagination merge.

Series by Jakob Tanner

The following is a list of the series written by Jakob Tanner with the correct order of books in each series.

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Second Chance Swordsman

In 'Second Chance Swordsman', a fallen warrior is reborn in a new world armed with both his blade and a chance to rewrite his destiny. Combining gritty combat and a tale of redemption, this series weaves a spellbinding narrative of second chances. With each swing of his sword, the protagonist cuts through his enemies and the complex web of his past, seeking not just survival but a path to atone for his previous life's failures.
1. Second Chance Swordsman2. Second Chance Swordsman 2