Author: James Haddock

James Haddock might not be a name that rings bells in every literary circle, but for those in the know, he's a beacon of storytelling prowess. His narratives weave through the complexities of human emotion, with a touch that is both tender and brutal. Haddock masterfully crafts worlds that are as rich and diverse as our own, making every twist and turn in his novels an exhilarating discovery.

Series by James Haddock

The following is a list of the series written by James Haddock with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Duty

In 'The Duty,' readers embark on a riveting journey through a meticulously crafted universe of intrigue, honor, and adventure. Following the path of a destined protagonist, this series weaves together the themes of duty, sacrifice, and the quest for knowledge, setting the stage for epic battles and deep-rooted conspiracies. As alliances form and secrets unfold, the line between right and wrong blurs, challenging characters and readers alike to question what it truly means to fulfill one's duty.
1. The Derelict Duty2. Duty Calls