Author: Jamie McFarlane

Dive into the universe of Jamie McFarlane, where space-faring adventures and plucky underdogs reign supreme. Known for his riveting Privateer Tales series, McFarlane masterfully blends sci-fi action with richly developed characters, ensuring that every book is an unforgettable journey. Whether it's battling space pirates or exploring new galaxies, McFarlane's stories are a thrilling ride into the unknown.

Series by Jamie McFarlane

The following is a list of the series written by Jamie McFarlane with the correct order of books in each series.

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Junkyard Pirate

In the Junkyard Pirate series, drift through a cosmos of adventure and peril alongside a hero who finds second chances in the junk-strewn belts of space. With a knack for turning space debris into interstellar gold, the series weaves a tale of survival, ingenuity, and unexpected friendships amidst the backdrop of a universe rich with opportunities and dangers. Through battles, alliances, and the never-ending quest for a better life, discover a saga where the line between hero and outlaw is as thin as a comet's tail.
1. Junkyard Pirate2. Old Dogs, Older Tricks3. Junkyard Spaceship4. Junkyard Veterans5. Junkyard Raiders6. Junkyard Ghost Ship7. Junkyard Commandos