Author: Jeff Carson

Jeff Carson delves into the heart of suspense with a tight focus on crime and mystery. His novels, rich in detail and filled with gripping narratives, transport readers directly into the midst of the most puzzling investigations. Carson's work often features complex characters tested by danger and the demands of their professional lives, making every turn of the page a journey into the depths of human resilience and the intricacies of law and order.

Series by Jeff Carson

The following is a list of the series written by Jeff Carson with the correct order of books in each series.

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David Wolf

In the rugged Colorado Rockies, David Wolf serves as both the skilled sheriff and savvy detective in the small town of Rocky Points. Balancing duty and personal demons, Wolf is drawn into a labyrinth of murder, mystery, and danger, challenging not only his detective skills but his ability to trust. Through blizzards and treacherous terrain, justice must be served.
1. Foreign Deceit2. The Silversmith3. Alive and Killing4. Deadly Conditions5. Cold Lake6. Smoked Out7. To the Bone8. Dire9. Signature10. Dark Mountain11. Rain12. Drifted13. Divided Sky14. In the Ground15. High Road16. Dead Canyon17. Echoes Fade