Author: Jeremy Robinson

Jeremy Robinson is the master of blending thrilling action, scientific speculation, and complex character-driven plots. His books are fast-paced, often mixing elements of science fiction, adventure, and mythology. Robinson has a knack for creating unforgettable, cinematic scenes that keep readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly turning pages. He's not just an author; he's a creator of worlds where the impossible becomes possible.

Series by Jeremy Robinson

The following is a list of the series written by Jeremy Robinson with the correct order of books in each series.

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Infinite Timeline

In the sprawling universe of the 'Infinite Timeline' series, readers embark on an exhilarating journey through time and space, where the boundaries of possibility are stretched and the fate of humanity hangs in balance. With each book, the stakes are elevated, and heroes must face unimaginable challenges in a reality where the concept of time itself is malleable. Prepare to be captivated by a blend of heart-pounding action, deep philosophical questions, and a narrative that defies expectations at every turn.
1. Infinite2. The Others3. Flux4. Tribe5. NPC6. Exo-Hunter7. The Dark8. Mind Bullet9. Torment10. Infinite11. The Order12. Khaos13. Singularity