Author: Jez Cajiao

Jez Cajiao takes readers on a whirlwind ride through imaginative worlds with his gripping blend of fantasy and LitRPG. Known for his dynamic character development and intricate plotlines, Cajiao masterfully crafts stories that are as thought-provoking as they are entertaining. With every page, he invites readers to embark on adventures that are as boundless as they are captivating.

Series by Jez Cajiao

The following is a list of the series written by Jez Cajiao with the correct order of books in each series.

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In the immersive series 'Arise,' readers find themselves in a world where virtual reality has intertwined seamlessly with reality, presenting endless possibilities and dangers. Follow the journey of an unlikely hero who, against all odds, seeks to rise and uncover the secrets and powers within this new realm. Combining elements of fantasy, adventure, and technology, 'Arise' is a thrilling ride through uncharted territory, where every decision can lead to new discoveries or dire consequences.
1. Arise: Alpha2. Arise: Dark Crusader3. Arise: Reclaimer4. Arise: Devourer5. Arise: Explorer