Author: Joel Martinsen

Joel Martinsen is the masterful translator behind bringing some of China's most intricate science fiction narratives into the English-speaking realm. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of both linguistic nuances and cultural contexts, Martinsen has opened doors to new worlds for countless readers. His work, especially on Liu Cixin's 'The Three-Body Problem', has garnered widespread acclaim and introduced the mesmerizing complexities of Chinese speculative fiction to a global audience.

Series by Joel Martinsen

The following is a list of the series written by Joel Martinsen with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Three-Body Problem

In the shadow of China's Cultural Revolution, a secret military project sends signals into space to establish contact with aliens. The Three-Body Problem series unfolds as humanity gets an answer from the Trisolarans, initiating an interstellar chess game of strategy, espionage, and survival across millennia. Mixing hard science fiction with profound philosophical questions, this story challenges the very essence of human nature and our place in the cosmos.
1. The Three-Body Problem2. The Dark Forest3. Death's End4. The Redemption of Time