Author: John Camp

John Camp, better known by his pen name John Sandford, is a master of suspense and intricate plotting. With a background in journalism, he crafts gripping thrillers that delve into the dark corridors of crime and justice, making readers hold their breath until the last page. His work is characterized by meticulously researched details and a relentless pace that hooks readers from the very start.

Series by John Camp

The following is a list of the series written by John Camp with the correct order of books in each series.

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In the electrifying world of Kidd, art, computers, and subterfuge blend into a daring dance of deception. Kidd, a master hacker and painter, navigates the shadowy waters of the criminal underworld, driven by intellect and a thirst for a thrill. This series propels readers into a vortex of high-tech crime, with twists that challenge the boundary between the virtual and the real.
1. The Fool's Run2. The Empress File3. The Devil's Code4. The Hanged Man's Song