Author: John Van Stry

John Van Stry stands at the crossroads of fantasy and reality, spinning tales where the impossible dances hand in hand with the everyday. With a keen eye for character development and a knack for weaving complex narratives, Van Stry invites readers into worlds where every page promises an adventure. His work is a blend of science fiction, fantasy, and everything in between, appealing to the wanderlust in all of us.

Series by John Van Stry

The following is a list of the series written by John Van Stry with the correct order of books in each series.

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In the heart of a world where magic and technology blur, 'Wolfhounds' unleashes the saga of warriors bound by honor and destiny. These soldiers, transformed by ancient rites and modern science, navigate the fine line between human and beast to protect a world teetering on the edge of chaos. With each battle, they confront not just external threats but the very nature of their own being.
1. Stand Alone2. Taking Ground