Author: Jonathan P. Brazee

Jonathan P. Brazee is a retired Marine infantry colonel turned USA Today bestselling author who captures the essence of military science fiction with his enthralling, action-packed stories. Exploring themes of duty, war, and the burden of command, his works resonate deeply with veterans and military SF enthusiasts alike. Brazee's novels are a masterclass in blending authentic military experience with far-flung galactic adventures, making each page an expedition into the heart of valor.

Series by Jonathan P. Brazee

The following is a list of the series written by Jonathan P. Brazee with the correct order of books in each series.

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Sentenced to War

In 'Sentenced to War', a young man facing a bleak future is given a chance to change his fate by joining a military program destined for the stars. As he embarks on a perilous journey across the galaxy, he finds that the greatest battles are fought within himself, against the backdrop of an interstellar war that threatens the very essence of humanity.
1. Sentenced to War2. Children of Angels3. Song of Redemption4. An Uneasy Alliance5. A Broken Alliance6. An Alliance Reforged7. When Words Fail8. What Lies Behind9. Gods of War10. United We Kill11. Marines Never Die12. Nexus of Chaos13. Exiled to Perdition14. Into the Void15. Brave New Dawn