Author: Justin Scott

Justin Scott plunges readers into the depths of high-stakes adventure, where maritime mysteries and historical intrigue collide in splendid fashion. Known for his intricate plotting and profound knowledge of nautical history, Scott's novels are a treasure trove for those who dare to embark on a journey beyond the ordinary. His ability to weave fact with fiction ensures that each page is not just read, but experienced.

Series by Justin Scott

The following is a list of the series written by Justin Scott with the correct order of books in each series.

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Isaac Bell

Dive into the heart-pounding world of Isaac Bell, a daring detective operating in the early 20th century. With a keen mind for mystery and a heart for adventure, Bell takes on cases that lead him into dangerous waters, racing against time and adversaries to unravel plots that threaten to change the course of history. From high-speed chases on roaring trains to shadowy confrontations in bustling cities, each book in the Isaac Bell series is a thrilling mix of historical detail and riveting suspense.
1. The Chase2. The Wrecker3. The Spy4. The Race5. The Thief6. The Striker7. The Bootlegger8. The Assassin9. The Gangster10. The Cutthroat11. The Titanic Secret12. The Saboteurs13. The Sea Wolves14. The Heist